Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Maven & Testing

Most developers know the Maven Surefire Plugin but just a few know about the possibility to share testcase code. And another few know the support for integration tests.

Maven Failsafe Plugin
is designed for running integration tests

Guide to using attached tests
Many times you may want to reuse the tests that you have created for a project in another. For example if you have written foo-core and it contains test code in the ${basedir}/src/test/java it would be useful to package up those compiled tests in a JAR and deploy them for general reuse.

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

[maven] adding a jar as resource to a webapp

I'd suggest it could be a JAR containing an Applet.

The maven-dependency-plugin might help You out. Use on of the following

Thanks to Marc Rohlfs 
for the answer  in the mailing list!

Separating Deployment from Development

This problem  I have in almost each project! The "tomcat" JNDI solution is a way that we have tried in a project. For unit test, we have initialized our own JNDI context, for starting without tomcat.

If you have a larger environment, you will be in the "JNDI hell" really soon ,-)  The server.xml isn't a clear way to handle a big set of properties for different environments and many projects.

A database will be the better solution. But then maybe you should have an administration inferface other than sql and a view where you can view the properties for a project in a certain environment (don't forget the security than!). 

Misgivings about the database could be handled by exporting the properties at startup or at deployment! Maybe an in memory db is a more failsafe way. But if you have problems with the failure safety of your database, you have a problem anyway ;-)


Montag, 7. Februar 2011

open service lifecyle collaboration

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (also known as OSLC or Open Services) is a community and set of specifications for Linked Lifecycle Data. The community’s goal is to help product and software delivery teams by making it easier to use lifecycle tools in combination. The OSLC community is creating open, public descriptions of resources and interfaces for sharing the things that teams rely on, like change requests, test cases, defects, requirements and user stories.

Buchtipp: Software Architecture in Practice

Ein Buchtipp von Martin Fowler & Jez Humble:

Software Architecture in Practice (SEI Series in Software Engineering)

handbook of software architecture.

The Handbook of Software Architecture is a concise reference on the design of software-intensive systems. Written for software architects, developers, and project managers, the Handbook presents the fundamentals of software architecture, covering contemporary best practices for specifying, visualizing, documenting, governing, and evolving a system's significant design decisions. The center of this work presents the as-built architecture of a variety of software-intensive systems selected from across the industry and from across the world.

2000-2010 by Grady Booch